Friday 14 February 2014

Final Day!

Hey guys, this is the last day of motivational month so one final video to get you in the mood to continue to win house points after this month is up. Thank you for all your work so far and have a great half term!

-All your Vice and House Captains!

Thursday 13 February 2014

hi guys, Dan here. Another video for our  motivational month, just reminding you guys that with dedication and work we can achieve whatever we want, we may have sunk in the leader board but will can still win this.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


It's been a bit lacking in motivation lately hasn't it? Oh well, life is about doing your best no matter what so on we go. And excitingly we have some new results:

We've done really well in attendance but not so well in Geography, coming only joint Fourth. It's okay though, because after this month I'm sure we'll have a lot more e-ref points from all the hard work you guys have been doing. 

Naomi :)

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Tuesday 4 February 2014


Try something new this week and you never know, you might be good at it.

-Naomi :)