Thursday 5 December 2013

House Event Results

Thursday 17 October 2013

New House Captains

Thursday 10 October 2013

The following students have been voted in as your new House Vice Captains!! Congratulations and please ensure they meet Mr. Pike on the date below:

Captains - Luke Ayling and Grace Kenworthy
Vice Captains  - Samuel Thomson and Rosie Hall
Captains - Sam Bevan and Olivia Ford
Vice Captains – Sam Woodward and Emma Gargaro
Captains - Dan Harding and Naomi Hirst
Vice Captains – Jason Moulder and Jade Macklin
Captains - Sophie Blair and Olivia Elise Evans
Vice Captains Ish Mooloo and Dana le-Carpenter
Captains - Matthew Bowers and Hannah Fredricks
Vice Captains – Hannah Osbourne and Holly Sirhan
Captains – Beth Holmes and Georgina Byrne
Vice Captains – Adam jones and Nathasha Coe

**please meet Mr. Pike in the meeting room (block 9) on Wednesday 23rd October at 8:35am (after reg with tutor)

Monday 7 October 2013

Assault Course Comp

Monday 30 September 2013

Monday 16 September 2013

House Assembly results - "Ball passing Competition"

Position HouseTime (secs)Points

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Start as we mean to go on!

Fantastic effort in assembly the other day! Watch out for the results later in the week and lets see if we can win this thing.......!
Mrs Wade

Friday 12 July 2013

Sports Day Results and Final Results 2013

House Results 2013

Watch the video in YouTube here

Thursday 9 May 2013

Eco Week Results

Monday 29 April 2013

Some more Results!

Here are some more results, but unfortunately, they are not very good for Driscoll! Last place in BOTH events! If we are to stand any chance of winning this competition and getting some amazing prizes, we really need to get involved!

There are a few more events occurring before the final results are announced in 10 weeks time, and there is still a chance that we may win this thing! Get involved and good luck!

Luke Dell - Driscoll House Captain

Friday 26 April 2013

Swimming Gala

Well done to all Driscoll students that entered the swimming gala! Both events were fantastic with some students achieving amazing times! Results will be posted soon. Lets hope we win!!

And remember its Eco Fortnight this week so put your rubbish in one of the Driscoll bins either by block 9 or the block 3 doors. Also, there is a battery collection in the D@rt for any used or unwanted batteries!

Luke Dell - Driscoll House Captain

Monday 15 April 2013

ECO Fortnight 22nd April – 3rd May

During this fortnight there are many chances to win house points through ECO themed competitions. The following competitions are:

Battery Collection- During the two weeks of the ECO fortnight each tutor group will be able to collect old batteries for their house. The batteries will be placed in your house collection box which will be in the Dart. The house with the most batteries at the end of ECO fortnight will win 400 house points.

Litter Challenge- In the Piazza the bins will be coloured to correspond with the houses. At the end of each day the amount of rubbish collected by each house will be judged and the house that has collected the most rubbish will win 400 house points.

As well as all this we are running SWITCH IT OFF fortnight.

This is where members of the ECO committee will go around classes during breaktimes and lunchtimes checking for lights, projectors etc that have been left on. This is important as the more we switch off the more energy we save! Did you know Wildern creates 60 Tonnes worth of CO2 each year!

Thank you so much for supporting us

The ECO committee

Sunday 14 April 2013

Wildern Championship Swimming Gala

Coming up on the 24th and 25th of April is the Wildern Championship swimming gala. It is a Gold event which will include every tutor group across the whole school. The gala is a chance for us to catch up with the other houses and to get to the top of the tables as each race is a gold event on its own so there are tons of points on offer.

In your tutors next week you will be asked to complete a form for the swimming gala. We require 2 boys and 2 girls as well as a boy and a girl reserve for the gala from each tutor group. The girls gala will be run on Wednesday 24th April and the boys gala will run on Thursday 25th April. Swimmers entering the gala must report to the sports hall at 2:45 on their day and the first race will begin at 3:00pm on the dot. Both events are scheduled to end at 4:00pm unless the races overrun.

There will be two races from each year group for the front crawl, breast stroke, back stroke, and relay, with points being awarded for both race winners and fastest competitors in each individual event across all year groups and genders.

Remember to speak to your tutors on Monday for any further details and to enter the competition. We will see you there!

Luke Dell and Zoe Exall - Driscoll House Captains

Monday 18 March 2013

February/March Results

 It has been an extremely busy month and there have been so many different activities going on around the school for the House Championships. Well done to all of the people who participated in the Rock Challenge and I hope you do really well in the finals!

 We have also done very well by attending Drama Club and came a very close second to Alba House. But its great to be near the top of the leader board again!

 Another congratulations for bringing in over 100 books to the LRC and I know that they will go to a great cause! We were so close to the winners so we might just be able to lift the trophy if we carry on as we are!

 We may have came fourth in participants for the Biology Challenge, but well done to Year 10 for making sure that we weren't last. I'm sure you all did a great job.

Finally there was the Maths Challenge in Years 9 and 10 with Alba taking a firm lead, however don't be dismayed as there are so many more events taking place before and after Easter so keep your ears open and get involved!

Luke Dell - Driscoll House Captain

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Textiles House Event

Recently there was an event in Textiles in order to collect old school ties. We didn't do too well with Alba thrashing all other houses by collecting more ties than all the other houses put together. A big thank you to the two people who donated the two ties for Driscoll, but we really need to contribute more if we are to have any chance of winning at the end of this year. There are loads of exciting activities and events including the Westwood Interactive Challenge in Geography which will be screened around the school, and the swimming gala in PE. We can do this!

Luke Dell - Driscoll House Captain

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Bring a Book to School

Coming up in a fortnights time is the Bring a Book to School Day which has now become a gold house event. Simply bring in any unwanted children's books to the Dart centre on Thursday 7th March to gain some points for Driscoll house! All books must be in a reasonably good condition so no missing pages or broken spines please! All collected books will be donated to the Read International charity which helps children in countries in Africa to read so donate as much as you can! We are currently in fourth place in the house league so search your lofts and garages for as many books as possible so we can get those points and donate as much to charity as we possibly can.

Luke Dell - Driscoll House Captain

Friday 25 January 2013

House Blog Update

HouseVideo 1Video 2Points
PositionHouseBlog HitPoints

Friday 18 January 2013

Wildern Snow Update 08:00


Snow update - 0800 18th January 2013

Dear parents and Students,

I have regrettably made the decision to close the school. Having spoken to the site team they believe that conditions in school are now becoming dangerous. Feedback from several staff further west have confirmed they are unable to get into school.

Please monitor the website for any further information if the weather is bad on Monday, all being well I would hope we will be open business as normal.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Litton

(Taken from the Wildern Website.)

The School will no longer open due to bad weather conditions. 

Monday 14 January 2013

House Event Results

 Well Done Driscoll! You have done really well with the vocab challenge! Keep up the good work!

Luke Dell - Driscoll House Captain